Alberto Garrocho, representative of Fresón de Palos, has been re-elected as the president of Freshuelva. Thus he starts his third term of office leading the Strawberries Producers and Exporters Association of Huelva, to which he arrived in 2009. His has been the only candidacy which was presented and it was elected unanimously. The reelection has taken place after the Associates General Assembly had designated the members of the Board of Directors of Freshuelva, in which the enterprises Fresón de Palos, Cuna de Platero, Grufesa, Bonafru, Cobella, Coophuelva, Cartayfres, Condado de Huelva, Gorofres, Freslucena and Agromartín are again. Doñana 1998 and Frutas El Pinar are incorporated to it, completing in this way the 12 members of the body of direction of Freshuelva. The first vice presindency will be occupied by José Antonio Márquez (Cuna de Platero); the second vice presindency by Cristóbal Picón (Costa de Huelva); the treasurer is Manuel Limón (Bonafru). The rest of enterprises are chairs.